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Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2

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Ubuntu Server with command-line interface might sound little bit wired to newbies because of no previous familiarization. Thus, if you are new to Ubuntu Linux server running on your local hardware or some Cloud hosting and planning to install some Linux Desktop Graphical environment (GUI) over it; I would like to recommend don't, until and unless you don't have supported hardware. Instead, think about free and open-source Ubuntu server Web GUI Management panels.

  1. Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2016
  2. Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2013
  3. Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2010
  4. Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2017

Moreover, for a moment, you can think about Desktop Graphical environment for your local server but if you have some Linux cloud hosting server, never do it. I am saying this because Ubuntu or any other Linux server operating systems are built to run on low hardware resources, thus even old computer/server hardware can easily handle it. GUI means more RAM and hard disk storage space.

Over and above that, if you want a GUI, then Ubuntu already offers GUI server and Desktop Images. Simply download them to learn Ubuntu curves on your local machine and later implement the same on your live production cloud server.

– Amazon Linux 2016.03 – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, 7.x – Debian 7 and 8 and YES goPanel works perfect with Amazon instances and Digital Ocean droplets as long as you use a linux distribution we support. make sure your linux server does not have FTP server installed and you install it from the goPanel app. Download file - Installing the Apache HTTP Server manual; 1.9. Working with modules. Loading a module; 1.9.2. Writing a module; 1.10. Exporting a private key and certificates from an NSS database to use them in an Apache web server configuration; 1.11. Additional resources; 2. Setting up and configuring NGINX. Installing and preparing NGINX; 2. It implements a web-based interface to enable the typical panel tasks—mainly for Linux users. For one, it is your best option if you're looking for a multilingual panel. This could be handy in a couple of situations and the languages are a mouth-watering 22 in total. If you use a Linux bridge on a KVM server, you may experience problems with multicast routing. These problems affect the server's ability to resolve nodes on the network. For example, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) addresses may drop off intermittently, or the server may experience problems when it attempts to find the router.

Well! Aforementioned that if you have Ubuntu server then go for web GUI management panel. SO, what is that?

Yes, indeed, refrain your self from installing GUI Desktop environments on the server such as GNOME etc. But on the other hand, you should prefer Ubuntu web GUI panels. These panels can be easily installed on the server using the command line and provide a minimal web interface management panel. That we can access over any browser using the IP address of the server. It helps us to manage Databases, PHP, storage, monitoring etc. For example, CPanel, a paid server management solution. However, here we talk only about some top and best open source web GUI management panels that are free to use.

Cockpit Web GUI Management

The cockpit is an open-source and developed to provide exactly what a person needs to manage an Ubuntu Server. Yes, until your requirement is not to handle domains, web server, Database management and more like Cpanel offers. It is more towards core Linux server management. Very straight forward interface with one side all the options needed to manage server and other to show the output of the same.

It provides various management server over WEB GUI to handle Docker, Firewall, Storage, User Accounts; Network, SELinux Policy, Diagnostic Report, Package Updates, Virtual Machines Management using QEMU / Libvirt and Terminal to directly issue commands for the server using web GUI interface. A complete core management package for Linux server administrators.

It supports Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari and Opera browsers. And we can install Cockpit not only for Ubuntu server but also on Fedora, RedHat, CentOS, Debian, Atomic, Clear and Arch Linux servers/distros.

Webmin for Ubuntu server

Second, Ubuntu web server GUI Management tool is Webmin, which needs no introduction if you are into web hosting field. You can consider it one of the best web-based graphical interface for a server administrator. Webmin is more than just a server monitor, it is a complete package to handle various kind of local as well as web services running on Ubuntu or any other server. We can handle our Apache web server, BIND DNS Server, BSD Firewall, Bootup and Shutdown, Bandwidth monitoring, Change Passwords, Command Shell and much more… Besides Ubuntu, you can install on CentOS, Windows10/8/7, RedHat, Debian, Solaris and other same streams Linux Server Distro.

Beside WebMin, you can also use another VirtualMin and CloudMin.

VestaCP web interface

If the above-mentioned Web GUI server platform to control your Ubuntu server are not feasible for you then here is an alternative i.e VestaCP. This Ubuntu server manager is very precise in terms of design elements, no clutter elements of the screen. That makes it easy to understand and operate. If you are new to open source control panels then VestaCP can be one of the best web GUI server platform.

We can control following things on Ubuntu or any other supported Linux server: User, Web Domains, DNS, Domains, IP, Graphs, Statistics, Log, Updates Firewall File, Mail domains, Databases, Cron, Jobs, Backups, Packages and Management of Server.

VestCP can be installed on RHEL / CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu at only minimum 512MB RAM, 20 Gb and CPU1.

Ajenti GUI for server

Another open-source Web Graphical user interface management platform provider for Ubuntu servers. Apart from the Debian or Ubuntu, one can install it on RHEL, CentOS, Gentoo, to other Linux and BSD. It developed on AngularJs framework and has a modular interface which gives it a capability to extend features using plugins. Ajenti server control panel can perform multiple tasks on your server remotely such as managing of web server, inbuilt File Manager, Filesystem, Hosts, Nameservers, Network and more…

Very lightweight Linux control panel that requires 30MB RAM to install.


It is a lightweight server management software that is also open source and easy to use. Just like VestaCP, the froxlor also provides easy to understand interface and clean in terms of elements.

froxlor provides MySQL database management, Directory protection & settings, Quota management, domain management, SSL, PHP-configurations; Manage reseller resources, interactive graphs, Themeable interface, Let's Encrypt and more… So, this one more towards the web server or hosting management.

Know-how to install froxlor on Ubuntu 19.04/18.04.

aaPanel hosting web GUI

aaPanel, another hosting control panel for those working with the Ubuntu server to host a website. It provides a web-based GUI (Graphical User Interface) along with the one-click installation of LNMP/LAMP developing environment.


ISPConfig hosting control panel with Web GUI available Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Fedora and OpenSUSE based servers. Just like popular Cpanel (WHM), it provides a wide range of features manage hosting storage, multiple servers under single control panel; Web server management (Apache2 and Nginx), Mail, DNS, Virtualization (OpenVZ); Administrator, reseller and client login and more…

Online Demo of ISPconfig

Sentroa Hosting Web GUI for Ubuntu Server

If you didn't like IPSconfig hosting control panel then try Sentora which is open source too. Simple to use, easy interface, a plugin system and more… Know more about this web hosting panel from here: Install Sentora on Digital Ocean's Ubuntu Droplet.

We dedicate this release of SME Server 9.2 to Tony Keane who passed away on 1st April, 2016. He was a long time user and supporter of Koozali SME Server and one of the founding members of the Koozali Foundation.

SME Server 9.2 Final (Tony Keane)

The SME Server development team is pleased to announce the release ofSME Server 9.2 which is based on CentOS 6.9, Release Notes detailed below.

Bug reports and reports of potential bugs should be raised in the bugtracker (and only there, please);

The Koozali SME Server project

The Koozali Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that governs the open source Koozali SME Server project. Koozali SME Server is a stable, secure and easy to use/manage linux server that provides common server functionalities out of the box. Many open source contributions are available that can extend the default server functionality making Koozali SME Server an even more powerful and flexible business server solution. Thousands of Koozali SME Severs have been deployed as real or virtual servers and in the cloud to serve many small to medium enterprises, and this number is growing day by day. The Koozali SME Server is free to use but it takes a lot of effort and money to develop, make, and maintain. We therefore ask you for your considerations.


Koozali Foundation Inc. together with it's community hosted at are a collaborative effort of volunteers. You too can contribute to the development and continuity of the Koozali SME Server project as described on our volunteering page. Everybody is welcome to join the already 4000+ member community and with any skill set.

Financial donations

You can also show your support by making financial donations. The preferred way to make financial donations is using the donate option in the forums. You are free to choose any amount and frequency, being monthly, yearly or only once. The benefit of donating through your forums account is that your forum user name will receive a badge, showing your donation status. If you do not have a forum account, you can create one, or select the below PayPal option to make your donations.

Commercial usage

Organizations that use Koozali SME Server for their business, provide professional services related to SME Server or in any other way benefit commercially from the Koozali SME Server project, are kindly requested to consider regular financial donations that reflect their business benefits.

Koozali Foundation Inc. is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received. For more information on invoicing please send a mail to

Thank you for your considerations and support!


You can download Koozali SME Server 9.2 from for other methods see

Please note it may take up to 48 hours for mirrors to finish syncing,during this time you may experience problems.

About SME Server

SME Server is the leading Linux distribution for small and mediumenterprises. SME Server is brought to you by Koozali Foundation, Inc.,a non-profit corporation that exists to provide marketing and legal supportfor SME Server.

SME Server is freely available under the GNU General Public License andis only possible through the efforts of the SME Server community.However, the availability and quality of SME Server is dependent onmeeting our expenses, such as hosting costs, server hardware, etc.

As such, we ask for a donation to offset costs and fund further development.a) If you are a school, a church, a non-profit organisation or an individualusing SME Server for private purposes, we would appreciate you to contributewithin your means toward the costs associated with hosting, maintenance anddevelopment.b) If you are a company or an integrator and you are deploying SME Server inthe course of your work to generate revenue, we expect you to make a donationcommensurate with the level of revenue you generate and the number of serversyour have in the field. Please, help the project Please visit to donate.

Koozali Inc is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received, simply email


The development team would like to thank all of those who have involvedthemselves with this release.


In-place upgrades from SME Server prior to version 9.0 are not supported. It is necessary to backup and then restore./boot partition is always RAID 1.

The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented.

USB installs are now supported, see:


SME 9.2 ISO only, DO NOT enable nic bonding on an initial install when server only mode is selected.

If your hardware has two network adapters installed or there are two nics configured in a VM and you have selected server only mode during the install you will be offered the opportunity to enable bonding of the nics, the current SME 9.2 ISO has an issue with this initial configuration and a loss of connectivity will result on reboot. DO NOT enable bonding on initial install, carry out a yum update after initial install and then reconfigure and enable bonding if that is your wish.



In-place upgrades to SME 9.2 *are* supported - from 9.# only. # yum upgrade or yum update, see note below for caveats.

Although a yum upgrade should return a working updated server, to be 100% sure, you are advised to only upgrade clean machines, e.g. without contribs or other modifications.

yum upgrade forces the removal of obsolete packages, while yum update may or may not also do this. The removal of obsolete packages can be risky, as it may remove packages that you use.

This makes yum update a safer option when not knowing state of server.

Please see The Addendum for additional notes released after initial ISO release.


This is the most affordable way to get a clean and secure upgrade. During the upgrade process the existing installation is detected and the option to upgrade the existing system is displayed.


Even if possible and tested the yum upgrade must be performed only with stable internet connections and, preferably, not remotely. Loosing connection may leave your system in an unknown state.

Check for known issues, here Dashboard and at open bugs for SME 9 in bugzilla.

Check for contrib packages that may need upgrading

Even though it is recommended that you only upgrade clean machines (e.g. without contribs or other modifications), it may be possible that you have a contrib installed that you forgot about. After the upgrade, check if any contribs may require an upgrade from the smecontribs repository.

Known issues when upgrading from previous SME9.x

QPSMTPD stop accepting incoming mails

Some plugins have a different name with the new version of qpsmtpd, the service in charge of the incoming emails. This is why some template custom and some not up to date contribs could make this service fail to start.

1. you must take attention to upgrade 3 contribs (if they are already installed) related to email, otherwise you server might stop receiving email

  1. smeserver-mailstat >=1.1-9 (or your daily mail stats will be incomplete but email will work)
  2. smeserver-geoip >=1.1.2-7 (as geoip database have changed)
  3. smeserver-wbl >=0.3.0-14 (or will prevent email service to start)

2. you must pay attention with current custom-templates related to qpsmtpd. A quick way to check is

If you see any templates in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/var/service/qpsmtpd/config/peers/, we suggest you to remove them.

You can then put them one after the other if you want to test them individually and really want some of them back. You can see a list of available plugins to control the name of your custom-templates by doing

templates-custom related to plugins with new names known to conflict

  1. 10check_earlytalker see Qpsmtpd_check_earlytalker
  2. 31check_badmailfromto see Email#How_to_block_email_from_one_address_to_another_address_with_check_badmailfromto_plugin
Access to web panel of some contribs

Security has been increased for the authorization mechanism and as a result the following 3 contribs need to be updated to keep access to their panel :

the following should solve this:

no external network access when using bonding

with e-smith-base-5.6.0-30.el6.sme.noarch.rpm provided on the SME 9.2 ISO, if you are using bonding of two network interfaces (e.g. server-only with two indentical network adapter) the default route to the gateway is not check if you have any bonding on your server:

If it returns something then you have bonding.This is fixed in e-smith-base-5.6.0-31.el6.sme.noarch.rpm available in smeupdates since May the 4th, so you have nothing to worry if ou simply did a yum update after this date. If you installed the previous from an iso and do not have network here is how to fix this ( you can replace `db configuration get GatewayIP` by your gateway IP if you know it, but this command should give the value you previously configured). Alternatively. from SME9.2 iso you can just configure your server without bonding, do a yum update and use console to reconfigure your server with bonding.

Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2016


In-place upgrades from SME 8.# to SME 9.x using yum or CD are not supported due to design constraints imposed by CentOS.

It is necessary to backup the old server & then restore to the new server. Contribs will need to be reinstalled.

Slmail 5.5 serial.

The simplest way to do this is via a Console Backup to attached USB disk on the old server. Alternatively use one of the Backup & Restore options available in server manager panel, ie backup to desktop, or backup to workstation (either to attached USB or network share). Other non standard options exist to Backup virtual servers that do not have USB ports etc, & Restore to similar virtual systems, eg using ssh.

The Restore from USB on first boot function (on a newly installed SME 9 server), will only utilise backups that are saved as smeserver.tgz files, which are the Console backup to USB or the server manager backup to Desktop. The server manager backup to Workstation (either to USB or network share) creates a 'backupdate.dar' type filename (or multiple split parts) & cannot be used to restore using the Restore on first boot function, it can only be used for restores from server manager.

After a Restore to new hardware, networking may not be functional. This is caused by the restored NIC settings being incorrect for the NIC's in the new hardware. To fix this, login as admin & from the console menu select Configure this server. Step through the screens & choose the new hardware network card (NIC) drivers, & leave other settings unchanged.

Upgrade via Console backup to USB drive

  • Log in as admin & Backup the old server via a Console Backup to attached USB disk. This may take many hours if you have a lot of data on your server, depending on USB port speed, USB drive speed, & types of files being backed up ie whether already compressed or not etc. Typically for 250Gb of data on your server hard drive, 2 to 4 hours.
  • Install the SME 9.x OS from CD on the new hardware (on new server).
  • Select to do a Restore on first boot of the newly installed SME Server 9. Only attach USB containing the backup file, when asked on first reboot. Restore may take a few hours depending on data size etc. Make sure you wait for the Restore complete message.

Upgrade via server manager backup to Desktop or Workstation (USB or network)

Gopanel linux web server manager 1 9 2013
  • On the old server in server manager, configure the required backup in the Backup or Restore panel. Schedule the backup to run at a suitable time. This backup can be to a workstation desktop for systems with a smaller amount of data, which creates a smeserver.tgz backup file, or to a locally connected USB drive or to a network share, & creates xx.xx.dar files, split into multiple parts if configured & data size is large. This may take many hours to run depending on data size etc.
  • On the new SME9 server, manually configure the identical backup job in the server manager Backup or Restore panel. The backup job MUST point to the exact same location that the original backup file is saved to.
  • Select the Restore function within server manager & select the full backup you want to restore from. This may take many hours to run depending on data size, network speed etc. Make sure you wait for the Restore complete message.
  • Basic networking configuration of the new and/or restored SME9 server will be required if different from original server.

Upgrade using command line restore via ssh or USB

  • It is possible to use the command line to transfer a backup file via ssh (or USB) to the new server & then to run the restore. Standard & non standard backup concepts & procedures are outlined in the Backup server config Howto, If using any non standard method, then the integrity of your SME server data cannot be guaranteed.
  • To do a standard backup & restore using CLI, on the old server log in as admin & perform the Console Backup to USB drive (to a locally connected USB). Alternatively using suitable commands, a smeserver.tgz backup file could be created & saved to / folder, refer Howto.
  • Install the SME 9.x OS from CD on the new hardware (on new server).
  • Answer No when asked if you want to restore from USB during the first boot.

  • If you created or have the backup file on the old server, transfer the smeserver.tgz backup file via ssh from your old server to your new server. Both servers must be connected & remote access enabled
  • On the old server do:

(where zzzz = port number)

  • If you saved the backup file to USB, then transfer the smeserver.tgz backup file from USB to your new server
  • Log in as root or a root user on the new server & do:

Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2013

(replace usbdisk with actual mount point name & Backup-date-folder with actual folder date name) Graphicriver mix art action 20423338 download free.

  • After the backup file has been copied to the new server, on the new server do:
  • Before restarting the new server, disconnect old server from network (as you will have clashes due to duplicate IPs)
  • On new server do:
  • Note the backup & restore may take many hours to complete depending on data size etc.
  • After restore, the Configuration of the new server should be identical to the old server.
  • Note with two servers connected during ssh copying operations, basic networking configuration of the new unrestored SME9 server will need to be temporarily different to the old server to avoid clashes

Reinstall Contribs after restore

Add on contrib rpm packages will need to be re-installed on the new SME 9.x server as these are NOT included in the backup. Contrib data & configuration is included in backups & will be restored, but its usefulness will depend on the contrib design being unchanged between older (SME7/el4 or SME8/el5) & SME9/el6 package versions.

Delete & Reconfigure Manual tweaks

Other manual tweaks eg custom templates or scripts, will need to be deleted & recreated in line with SME 9.x template code & base code.

Where extensive modifications have been made to the 'old server (eg SME8.1)', it is recommended to carry out a test backup & restore upgrade first, to discover any problems & ascertain suitable fixes & workarounds. Removing contribs & custom templates before upgrading is recommended.

Known issues upgrade from SME8

1. You might want to check what are the current installed extra rpm on your old SME 8 to be able to simply install them on your new SME 9. Wurth wow keygen. Usually this is simply done this way :

This is because Centos mirror are no longer available. Do not worry there is a workaround :

and then you can issue the good old command without issue:

2. You might also want to check SME9 specific issues as some might apply also for a migration from SME8.


/boot partition is always RAID 1.

The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented.

Koozali SME Server 9.2 Release Notes

26 April 2017

The Koozali SME Server (SME Server) development team is pleased to announcethe release of SME Server 9.2 Final which is based on CentOS 6.9

Bug reports and reports of potential bugs should be raised in the bugtracker (and only there, please);


You can download Koozali SME Server 9.2 from for other methods see

Please note it may take up to 48 hours for mirrors to finish syncing,during this time you may experience problems.

About SME Server

SME Server is the leading Linux distribution for small and mediumenterprises. Loozali SME Server is brought to you by Koozali Foundation, Inc.,a non-profit corporation that exists to provide marketing and legal supportfor SME Server.

SME Server is freely available under the GNU General Public License andis only possible through the efforts of the SME Server community.However, the availability and quality of SME Server is dependent onmeeting our expenses, such as hosting costs, server hardware, etc.

As such, we ask for a donation to offset costs and fund further development.

a) If you are a school, a church, a non-profit organisation or an individualusing SME Server for private purposes, we would appreciate you to contributewithin your means toward the costs associated with hosting, maintenance anddevelopment.

b) If you are a company or an integrator and you are deploying SME Server inthe course of your work to generate revenue, we expect you to make a donationcommensurate with the level of revenue you generate and the number of serversyour have in the field. Please, help the project

Please visit to donate.

Koozali Inc is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received,simply email

Tony Keane

It is with huge sadness that we learnt the passing of Tony Keane on Friday 1st April, 2016. He was a long time user and supporter of Koozali SME Server and one of the founding members of the Koozali Foundation.We dedicate this release of SME Server 9.2 to Tony. Without him and a handful of others the community would not have been secured with the Koozali foundation and our current cluster of servers to build and maintain your favourite distro. If you download and use it, please remember him and his work, and that of all the other contributors who work tirelessly to make Koozali SME as good as it is.

We extend our thoughts and deepest sympathies to his family.


In-place upgrades are not supported. It is necessary to backup and then restore./boot partition is always RAID 1.

The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented.

USB installs are now supported, see:

Major changes in this release

  • Updated all to Koozali branding.
  • Server Manager - Allow access to the server-manager without SSL from the loopback, Don't redirect to http when login in/out of the server-manager from localhost.
  • File Server - added W10 support to SME Domain. Add support for specifying TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2
  • LDAP - Hook into the new ssl-update event.
  • Mail Server - Update qpsmtpd to release 0.99.6 (including multiple plugins and ability to ebale/disable same), Allow reading SSL_version from the tls_protocols config file (and turn TLSv1 back on by default), Modify whitelist_soft transaction to interact with dnsbl filter, Revert forcing TLSv1 patch as it breaks some inbound delivery, Remove karma rcpt handling, Check rua is defined before trying to parse it to prevent an error if a domain has a DMARC entry published with no rua, add support for the uribl plugin, add detailed spamassassin report headers.
  • Web Server - Hook into the new ssl-update event, Set TLSv1 back to enabled (but keep a prop to disable it if needed).
  • Other fixes and updates - Correctly display http URL to the server-manager in the console, Remove motd text from grub.cfg.

Detailed changes in this release

Only the changes since SME Server 9.1 are listed, mainly autogenerated from the changelogs.

Packages altered by Centos, Redhat, and Fedora-associated developers are not included.

Text With Bug NumbersText for ISO Release Notes with Bug NumbersThe changelogs are written per package, and each package is assigned a group.

File Server



Mail Server

Server manager

Web Server

Other fixes and updates

General features

Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2010

- Based on CentOS 6.9 and all available updates

Terry Fage

- On behalf of the Koozali SME Server development team- Compilation of release data is thanks to Ian Wells

Gopanel Linux Web Server Manager 1 9 2017

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