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Butler 4 3 2 Commentary

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40:1-19 It was not so much the prison that made the butler and baker sad, as their dreams. God has more ways than one to sadden the spirits. Joseph had compassion towards them. Let us be concerned for the sadness of our brethren's countenances. It is often a relief to those that are in trouble to be noticed. Also learn to look into the causes of our own sorrow. Is there a good reason? Is there not comfort sufficient to balance it, whatever it is? Why art thou cast down, O my soul? Joseph was careful to ascribe the glory to God. The chief butler's dream foretold his advancement. The chief baker's dream his death. It was not Joseph's fault that he brought the baker no better tidings. And thus ministers are but interpreters; they cannot make the thing otherwise than it is: if they deal faithfully, and their message prove unpleasing, it is not their fault. Joseph does not reflect upon his brethren that sold him; nor does he reflect on the wrong done him by his mistress and his master, but mildly states his own innocence. When we are called on to clear ourselves, we should carefully avoid, as much as may be, speaking ill of others. Let us be content to prove ourselves innocent, and not upbraid others with their guilt.The chief butler and chief baker, high officials in Pharaoh's court, come under the displeasure of their sovereign. 'In the house of the captain of the guards.' It appears that this officer's establishment contained the keep in which Joseph and these criminals were confined. 'Charged Joseph with them.' As Joseph was his slave, and these were state prisoners, he appointed him to wait upon them. It is probable that Joseph's character had been somewhat re-established with him during his residence in the prison.CHAPTER 40
Butler 4 3 2 Commentary

Genesis 40:4; Genesis 40:7. An old English expression; cf. Shakespeare, 2 Hen. I.: 'I know, ere they will have me go to ward, They'll pawn their swords for my enfranchisement.' He committed them for safe keeping, while the enquiry into the charges against them went on. Captain of the guard See note on Genesis 37:36. The College Press Bible Study Textbook Series (The Old Green Commentaries) includes 59 books and over 30,000 pages of valuable insight. This library includes outlines, introductions, essays, paraphrases, surveys, maps, illustrations and questions to engage the reader.

Ge 40:1-8. Two State Prisoners.

Butler 4 3 2 commentary kjv

Genesis 40:4; Genesis 40:7. An old English expression; cf. Shakespeare, 2 Hen. I.: 'I know, ere they will have me go to ward, They'll pawn their swords for my enfranchisement.' He committed them for safe keeping, while the enquiry into the charges against them went on. Captain of the guard See note on Genesis 37:36. The College Press Bible Study Textbook Series (The Old Green Commentaries) includes 59 books and over 30,000 pages of valuable insight. This library includes outlines, introductions, essays, paraphrases, surveys, maps, illustrations and questions to engage the reader.

Ge 40:1-8. Two State Prisoners.

John G Butler Commentary

Outline 3 21 1 – view onenote notebooks pdf. 1. the butler—not only the cup-bearer, but overseer of the royal vineyards, as well as the cellars; having, probably, some hundreds of people under him.

baker—or cook, had the superintendence of every thing relating to the providing and preparing of meats for the royal table. Both officers, especially the former, were, in ancient Egypt, always persons of great rank and importance; and from the confidential nature of their employment, as well as their access to the royal presence, they were generally the highest nobles or princes of the blood.

No text from Poole on this verse. And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers,.. The same above mentioned:

against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers; for as there were several butlers and bakers that belonged unto him, who were employed in providing wine and food for him, there was one of each who was over the rest; and as their business was to see that those under them did their work well, when they were faulty the principal officers were answerable for it: wherefore, if in this case they had not been guilty of anything criminal themselves personally, yet they might have neglected to look after those that were under them, and so were culpable, and drew upon them the wrath and resentment of their lord and sovereign.

Butler 4 3 2 Commentary Matthew Henry

19 Used from $2.51 2 New from $19.99 One in a series of twenty Old Testament verse-by-verse commentary books edited by Max Anders. Includes discussion starters, teaching plan, and more. Pharaoh put them in ward, &c.-Whatever was their crime, they were committed, until their case could be investigated, to the custody of the captain of the guard, that is, Potiphar, in an outer part of whose house the royal prison was situated. Biblical Commentary (Bible Study) 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Paul, Silvanus (also known as Silas), and Timothy were the founding fathers of the church in Thessalonica. Priime styles 1 0 – apply professional photo presets. However, they were able to remain in Thessalonica for only a short time—perhaps no longer than three weeks (Acts.

Butler 4 3 2 Commentary David Guzik

And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers.

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